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Meeting Minutes

September 2022 Minutes

Community Council Meeting Minutes

September 19, 2022


In Attendance


Sabrina Smith

Kristi Hancock

Kristen Ross

Jessica Bradley

Laura Miller

Emily Okerlund

Betsy Holden


Not in Attendance


Dani Franks

Noah Tramposh

Wendy Rodriguez

Kristi Hancock called the meeting to order at 4:03.  We began with introductions and thanked the parents for being here.  

Next, the council discussed electing a chair and co-chair. The bylaws were looked at to understand specifications.  Emily Okerlund was nominated as chair. The chair's responsibilities were explained, and Kristi motioned to have Emily Okerlund be the chair. Kristen Ross seconded the motion.  Kristin Ross stepped up to be co-chair. Emily Okerlund nominated Kristen Ross to be co-chair. Kristi Hancock seconded the motion, and the council voted all in favor.   


Next, Kristi shared a community council video of what’s new and the new changes that are happening this year.  The video discussed rules, resources, and what needs to be on the website. Email addresses do need to be posted on the website as per WSD requirements. Kristi is checking to see if this can be changed per the Community council video.


Next, the responsibilities and rules of procedures were discussed and reviewed.  No questions or comments of concern were had.  Minutes and the agenda need to be posted on the website at least 1 week before the next meeting.  We discussed how minutes will be distributed, and Jessica Bradley will be in charge of this communication.  All rules of procedures were read and explained to the council. 


Next, Kristen Ross motioned to approve the meeting minutes from March 2022, and Jessica Bradley seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved.  


Next, The council discussed Trustland Funds, and the goals for the school  Trustland goals were reviewed, discussed, and explained to the new council members.  PLCs and the process were discussed and with how funding for PLCs happens.  TSSA funds were discussed and how the funds are used.  Goals were reviewed and explained, and we discussed what the funds are spent on. Esser Funds were discussed, reviewed, and what the funds were used for.  ESSER funds are not ongoing funds and will end after this year.  There were no questions or comments about the different funds and plans.  


Training for the community council was offered live and online at different dates and times.  


The meeting was motioned to adjourn by Kristi Hancock and seconded by Betsy Holden.